Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is it possible to be transparent and authentic online?

This is a discovery post rather than prescriptive on how to be transparent and authentic online. There are a number of recent incidents in various online environments which triggered some thoughts and feelings requiring associated decisions and actions for me. In this post, I’d like to discuss the environment factor.

Environment is an essential factor for success. I believe, like it is in the real world, one expect the online world to be clean and healthy to play with confidence and enthusiasm. If an environment gets toxic with mediocrity and childish behaviour, one’s enthusiasm and willingness relatively decrease. I believe authentic and transparent people instantly affected by their environments. An environment, for example for blogging, makes difference for one’s participation and collaboration.

Spirit of networking is directly related environment which play a significant role for participative actions. Who has the key impact on environment? Without doubt that the members of the environment have the key impact to keep the environment clean, healthy and pleasant to play with.

I’d like to discover how one can be transparent and authentic in this online world. How would you define and describe a clean, healthy and pleasant environment. Look forward to obtaining your insights stemming from your online experience, thoughts, and personal preferences.

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz

Are we vulnerably designed dilemmatic machines?

In one of the yesterday's blog on Ecademy a co-networker made a notable and insightful statement which I'd like to quote here "...You can't tell life how to be and you can't second guess your own unconscious mind with all its complex, interrelated and unresolvable narrative threads. These are what dominate your life, not what your consciousness happens to think it wants." I believe you can guess who wrote this statement by browsing the comments on yesterday's blogs related to goal setting.

And today there was an interesting research finding reported in many news networks as recorded by google "The use and misuse of alcohol and marijuana can be traced to a common set of genes". In addition to the main theme of genes' impact on our lives, it is really eye-opening to know that "41.8 percent of 12th graders reported having used marijuana". This is of course very complex to create a scientific profile considering all aspects but I want to discuss a specific point here.

My point is, if we have this vast, dark, unknown unconscious mind at emotional and higher levels coupled with so many unknowingly inherited genes at physical level running the show of our lives; what is left to us to manage at conscious level? How can we keep responsible for things beyond our control? Is this dilemma or what? What are our responsibilities for our lives? Feel free to share your optimistic, neutral or pessimistic views [which who knows] may shed some lights on this dichotomy in our limited knowledge process.

Mehmet Yildiz

Powerful Life Changing Hacks That Truly Transformed My Life: Using simple yet effective hacks to transform physical, mental and emotional health rapidly and sustainably

In this post, I'd like to introduce one of my recent books reflecting my transformational development. It is titled " Powerful L...